quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015

Aventuras de um casal belga Servas por Viseu

Hans e Ingrid são o casal Belga Servas que esteve em minha casa no passado fim-de-semana (10/11 Abril 2015), extremamente simpáticos e interessantes!

O sol português ajudou nos belos dias que passamos juntos, percurso pela cidade, entrámos em todas as Igrejas e capelas na tentativa que acender uma vela (objetivo do casal), mas foi impossível só moedas para acender luzes, que pena! Muito interessados na cultura e costumes portugueses, adoraram a gastronomia (polvo à lagareiro, bacalhau com broa, vitela á Lafões, tudo regado com 
diversos Dão).

Ficou a vontade de um próximo encontro, mais conversas sobre como somos todos tão diferentes mas iguais no interesse sobre os povos, os hábitos, os desejos!
A Pipa vai ficar com saudades, pois foi muito mimada, e eu também!
Até breve, Hans e Ingrid, muito breve…                                                                               Becas 

Em vésperas de mais um Encontro Ibérico, que tal recordar momentos e sorrisos partilhados durante os Encontros passados? De 1 a 3 de Maio estaremos em Ponte de Lima, um total de 37 membros de Espanha e Portugal

sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2015


Marquem já nas vossas agendas: ENCONTRO IBERICO DE SERVAS, em Ponte de Lima, de 1 de Maio 3 de Maio. Juntemo-nos mais uma vez a Servas Espanha e a membros de Servas Internacional para um fim-de-semana memorável. Do programa constarão as ha...bituais caminhadas pela bela Natureza envolvente, pelos jardins históricos de Ponte de Lima, iniciação à equitação, conversas sobre Paz e Viagens, feira de trocas e muito, muito mais. Programa e inscrições brevemente disponíveis.
Se quiser fazer pré-inscrição pode fazê-lo para servasemportugal@gmail.comhttp://www.cm-pontedelima.pt/ver_turismo.php?cod=0Y

Fundo para Jovens Servas 2015- Informação em inglês

The Servas International Youth Fund is to offer grants to support two young people to take part in the next... Servas International Conference and General Assembly (SICOGA 2015) to be held in New Zealand from10th to16th October 2015.
You are invited to apply if you are a young person between 18 and 30 who can meet the requirements below.
If you would like to be considered please discuss with your national secretary then complete the attached application form and return it to Ann Greenhough at vicepresident@servas.org by 22nd March 2015.
We will confirm that we have received your application and then request a letter of recommendation from your national secretary.
What is the purpose of the fund?
The fund has been set up to give new opportunities for young people in Servas wherever they live in the world.
We would like to promote greater participation by young people in the international Servas activities that take place from time to time.
Our priority is to offer support to committed young Servas members who would not have enough resources of their own to cover all the travel costs and registration fees.
It will take time to build up resources in the fund but so far we have received sufficient donations to give grants to two young people so they can join the Servas International conference in October this year.
Through being involved in such an international event we hope that the young people will gain a more in-depth understanding of Servas as a global peace organisation. With new skills and experience they will also be better equipped to actively contribute to Servas on their return home.
As was the case for young people who previously received grants, we hope in the future they may also have the confidence to take on key Servas roles, in their own country or in Servas International.
Who can apply for a grant from the fund?
You will need to meet the following requirements for your application to be considered:
1. At least one year’s membership of Servas as a traveller, a host or part of a host family at the time of application.
2. Aged between18 to 30 at point of travel.
3. A recommendation from your National Secretary supporting your application.
4. Disclosure if related to any Servas officer in your national group or SI although this would not prevent you making an application.
5. Full and accurate information on your application form.
6. Good enough spoken and written English, or another key language, to be able to join in and contribute to a Servas event.
7. A commitment to remaining an active Servas member on returning home and providing a written report about your travels.
How will it be decided who is given a grant from the fund?
The fund is currently managed by Servas Britain. However decisions about how grants are allocated to young people will be made by an international advisory panel made up of seven Servas members from a number of Servas groups around the world.
Following the closing date we will look at all the applications to make a shortlist before making a final decision about who should receive a grant.
We are looking for young people who would like to learn more about how Servas works as well as about its philosophy as a peace organisation. In your application tell us what makes Servas special for you and how you would like to contribute to an international event. We also invite you to tell us something about yourself and your interests and achievements.
Please remember that the closing date for applications is 22nd March 2015.
We aim to make a decision by early May. This will allow sufficient time to make a visa application if one is needed.
What expenses will the grant cover?
Our intention is to offer grants that are sufficient to cover the travel costs to New Zealand. We will only be able to confirm this once we know the actual travel costs of those who are to be awarded grants.
The conference registration fee and local travel to the conference venue will also be met.
Once in New Zealand Servas hosts in Auckland will be offering hospitality to anyone coming to the conference both before and afterwards.
However if you receive a grant you will also need some resources of your own to cover personal expenses while travelling.
What is the Servas International Conference and General Assembly (SICOGA 2015)?
Servas is made up of a worldwide federation of member countries. Every three years delegates from these groups meet with other Servas members at the Servas International Conference and General Assembly where there is debate about how Servas will develop in the future. More details about the event in 2015 can be found at servas.org.nz/come-down-under-to-sicoga2015-2/. Before long this will link to the main conference website.
Formal motions are voted on by the delegates. If you were to receive a grant you would attend the conference as an observer and be able to contribute to wide-ranging discussions on some key issues within Servas.
Members of the Servas Youth Team will be present and there will be opportunity to focus on specific issues concerning young people in Servas. You would also have the option to join one of the online subject working groups which will look at a number of topics ahead of the conference.
Extending your Servas visit beyond the conference
Where work and study commitments allow we would like to encourage young people to consider extending their Servas experience beyond the conference itself.
Through the Servas network travellers can discover many diverse opportunities which reflect the origins of Servas as a peace organisation focused on work, education, travel These include volunteering, work experience or building on language skills through developing a special skill or interest.
We would like to hear your ideas about how you might focus your visit to New Zealand if you are awarded a grant. But please note it is not possible for us to support a young person to seek paid work during their Servas travels either in New Zealand or elsewhere.
If you have questions you would like to ask before completing an application form please contact Ann Greenhough at vicepresident@servas.org .