quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

Programme: 4th Servas Live With Us Share With Us
What? : We invite Servas volunteers to come and live with us in a village to volunteer for teaching kids anyhting they know in an informal way (gardens, streets, etc.).
Convidamos voluntários/as Servas a virem viver connosco numa aldeia na Turquia, ajudando no ensino informal (em jardins, na rua) de crianças sobre qualquer assunto que dominem.
Aim?: To raise awareness about different cultures among local children, exchange knowledge and experiences and plant the ‘Seeds of Servas’ in the early age of children.
O objectivo será despertar a curiosidade das crianças para o conhecimento geral e de outras culturas, trocar conhecimentos e ideias e plantar as "sementes de Servas"
When?: July 5th-16th , 2012 - de 5 a 16 de Julho de 2012
Where: In a village called Ekinci, in Antakya-Turkey (very south of Turkey) - numa aldeia a sul da Turquia chamada Antakya
We provide; Friendly families to stay, Food, Daily excursions, Experiencing local culture (Turkish&Arabic) -
Oferece-se alojamento em familias locais, comida, excursões diárias, vivenciar a cultura turca e árabe
Guests are expected to; Volunteer 3-5 hours a day, Present their countries-PPT, Music, dance, etc. Be flexible, -
Pretende-se por parte dos/as voluntários/as que apresentem um pouco sobre os seus países, musica, cultura, etc, que trabalhem 3 a 5 horas diárias, sejam flexiveis
Any of the Topics below is needed; Music, Developing Peace, Dance, Art, Chess, Languages, Math, Handcrafts, Music, Instruments, Environment, Recycling, Etc.
Remarks; Mini festival is held last night. Summers not very hot. Kids are usually bilingual (Arabic&Turkish) They also know a bit of English
Volunteers with kids are welcome-Safe environment-lots of kids on the streets to play with.
For application form and details please email me: mehmettates@yahoo.com
Mehmet Ates Prog. Coordinator peace secretary of Servas Turkey